Sunday, December 22, 2013

My puffy poem

Puff the pregnant woman
Was feeling rather round
As she cooked and cleaned
And everything else in between
A tiredness abound.

Puff the pregnant woman
Must eat beyond the norm
Pickles, peaches, cheese
Peanut butter please
Must have just one more.

Puff the pregnant woman
Had all that she could take
With a screaming child
To do lists wild
And chicken still to bake.

So puff the pregnant woman
Got ready for a nap
No more kids to watch
Or matching socks
Leave her alone or she might snap!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Getting closer

Went to the doctor. Baby Elliott is measuring at over 5 lbs already!! Doc says end of January based on measurements. Going to be another big boy.  I can't wait!!

I am soooo happy that I am off work for a week. I need the pj days and relaxation.  The cankles have begun. I hope everyone has a great Christmas!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Let the countdown begin...

So good news first:

Baby is doing good!! Doc says eight more weeks or less. All my paperwork is turned in at the hospital for registration.  Even my bags are packed!

Thanksgiving was wonderful I got to spend it with my sister nephew and mother in law.  All Christmas presents are made or purchased.  Christmas cards are addressed and ready to go in the mail.  Even most things are caught up at work. ..

Now for the compliants:

Still not resting much even with the sleeping pills, doc just upped my iron intake for the anemia, bring on the heart burn, and I have to see the chiropractor twice a week now... not many good evenings these days. 

My kiddos at work help lift my spirits as I give them all I have. Unfortunately I am only capable of half days. I am dreading cutting back even more.  Probably after the holidays.  I feel like I don't see them enough as it is. 

Noah and chad are amazing!! I am truly blessed.

Well, I'm off to take a nap... one day at a time!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Are we there yet?

So this month has been very rough... Physically, mentally, emotionally... I went to the doctor today and all he said as he walked in the room was, "you look tired." Yep, that was all it took... I broke out in tears!! How embarrassing!!! So tired all the time, light headed and weak, back, legs, and hips hurt... No sleep! So, some changes for me and baby; sleeping pills to help with energy, blood work (Yuck, my arm already looks like a pin cusion from my dabetic test this weekend), get off my feet more... I just cut back my hours at work last week (40 to 26), but he said I need more time off if I am not doing better in two weeks. Baby seems to be doing well which is GREAT news. And my diabetic test came back good so I don't have to start a special diet on top of everything else. This time around is so much harder. I will make it, but I am going to have to learn to say no more, slow down even more than I already have, and I am going to have to make some more changes in my life. Poor chad!!! He is doing good, just at whits end as to how to help me. God, I love that man... My appointments are now two weeks apart, so more updates to come soon. Wish me luck!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Latest update

So sorry it has been awhile. Our vacation to California was do much fun. Noah did really well. Just had my six month check up for baby Elliot. Baby is doing great... Sitting backwards so my belly looks huge!! I do have anemia so I have to start taking iron pills. I also have to retake my three hour diabetic test in a few weeks.... Yuck!! This time I am getting major ligement pains and leg cramps. So I have been ordered to drink more water, and I have to get off my feet way more. Looks like more cut backs at work.... Sigh!!! Well, baby is healthy, I just have to keep myself healthy... It dose look like Noah is coming down with a cold:(

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Half way there!!!

Well, we made it to the half way mark... Twenty weeks! Mommy and baby are doing great. He is healthy and kicking. I think he pokes my bladder on purpose.... Lol... My back is starting to hurt so I am wearing my back brace again. At least my ankle is holding up this time. Unfortunately doc gave the ok to have my root canal... Was kinda hoping he would say no... Any ways... Everyone is asking if we picked a name yet for baby. So far the only name chad and I have agreed on is Elliot Edward Minckler. What do you think?

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Time to relax

August is finally over!!! Yea!! Wow, one of the most stressful months of the year for me. Now September is here. School is starting, the air is cooling, the leaves are turning, and my son is starting to smile again!!! Between pregnancy, my family, my teeth, work, and my son starting the terrible twos (10 months early), august was a horrible month!! Now its time to slow down, get to know my new students, and spend some much needed quality time with my family.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

It's a...

So we went for our four month baby check up today. During the ultrasound, while Noah is having a fit with daddy on the floor:(, we got to see what we are having. Noah didn't seem too impressed with the monitor... Having a baby sibling is going to be challenging for him I think. Anyways, the baby had butt up in the air, perfect camera angle for what we were going for.... And, drum roll please............. It's a BOY!!! Noah will have a little brother in February!! I am soooo out numbered....

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Broke rule #1!!

So I broke unspoken rule #1 of early pregnancy, yesterday someone asked me how was I feeling. I said much better, I think the morning sickness may be going down..... Dumb, dumb, dumb!!! This morning I woke up sicker than a dog!! Serves me right!

On a much brighter note, I have felt a couple of movements!!! One more week till I see doctor. Hopefully we can fund out if we are having a boy or a girl....

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Yucky tests...

So I am in for my three hour glucose test... Fasted all night... Only thing I've had is that yucky Orange drink. Only the first hour and I and light headed and nautious. Lab tech says I am pale. Trying Sooo hard not to get sick or pass out. That would mean that I have to come back another day and start all over again. I have to make it through... Wish me luck!!!

Well, I made it. Horrible!!! I hope I never have to do that again! I won't find out till next week the results.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Three month check up

There is nothing that brightens my day than watching baby on the monitor kicking and moving!!! Loved hearing the heart beat. It was kind of funny, all throughout my pregnancy with Noah he posed for each ultrasound, always laying perfectly for his picture... The doctor laughed when this baby did the same thing!! I have poser babies... Lol!! All is healthy! Tomorrow I go in for my diabetic test. Wish me luck!!!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

This week's fruit...

I love the apps and books that reference a fruit in comparison to the baby... This week, Minckler #2 is roughly the size of a kumquat!

This weeks morning sickness has been really bad. I can't eat anything (except chocolate pudding and peaches) without feeling sick :( also, very tired and very emotional. I cry at everything. Even my dreams... I wake up balling. And then I get sick.... Ya, fun....

I know it will ease up soon and it is worth the outcome. Anyways, I am looking forward to a good week coming up....

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Rough night... Not much sleep and I was really sick. This morning also sick and kind of down.... I figured that if I got it off my chest, downed a peach and banana smootie, I could perk myself up. Here it goes!!!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Heat wave

Extream heat, morning sickness, bathroom trips every hour, soooo tired.... Yep, sums up my week. Really trying not to throw up on Noah when changing his poopy diaper. That is the trick!!! Chads on diaper duty most if the time right now. God bless him!! Now, how to teach a one year old that when he is on mommy's lap, he can't hit, kick, or flop down onto the tummy. So not an easy thing to do!  I love my little dude. He is growing so much. 29 inches tall, 22 lbs!! Took his 6 one year old shots like a champ. Only like 20 seconds of crying then just stopped. Also went to see the dentist for the very first time. He did great. She was very impressed that he has already gotten in 11 teeth including his four first molars! Well, he is down for bed, maybe I can get some sleep too... Ha ha ha ha ha ha

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Ultra sound

Today was a busy day... Noah turned one!!! Grandpa drove in from California to spend their birthdays together. We had a nice small dinner with grandma merry. Noah went to town on his birthday cake!!! You must check out the video on Facebook. It was a great night.

Also today, the doctor called me today and asked if I wanted to come in a week early for my first ultrasound of the new baby... Of course I said yes!!! So, here is baby #2. Yes there is only one in there, much to Chads delight. I got to see the heart beat. It makes me feel so much more at peace now. Thanks doc!! Seven and a half weeks, due February 6 th. Yea!!!!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 2013

This has been such an exciting year for our family. Noah will be a year old this week!! He is such a good child. Chad and I are truly blessed! Noah sleeps through the night, eats anything and everything, and loves to smile and laugh. The past couple of days, he has been trying to take his first steps!!! Another exciting bit of news for the Minckler family this week, we just found out that baby Minckler #2 is on the way!!! Bring on the morning sickness and extreme fatigue... I don't remember it this bad the first time through... Though I didn't have an infant demanding my attention last time... Oh well, it us worth it for the kiddos. I plan on keeping everyone up to date with this blog. This week is sure to be busy. My father is coming up for Noah's birthday. They share a birthday, isn't that cool!!! His big dinosaur party is on Saturday. Should be a lot of fun! Well, until next time...