Saturday, July 27, 2013

Yucky tests...

So I am in for my three hour glucose test... Fasted all night... Only thing I've had is that yucky Orange drink. Only the first hour and I and light headed and nautious. Lab tech says I am pale. Trying Sooo hard not to get sick or pass out. That would mean that I have to come back another day and start all over again. I have to make it through... Wish me luck!!!

Well, I made it. Horrible!!! I hope I never have to do that again! I won't find out till next week the results.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Three month check up

There is nothing that brightens my day than watching baby on the monitor kicking and moving!!! Loved hearing the heart beat. It was kind of funny, all throughout my pregnancy with Noah he posed for each ultrasound, always laying perfectly for his picture... The doctor laughed when this baby did the same thing!! I have poser babies... Lol!! All is healthy! Tomorrow I go in for my diabetic test. Wish me luck!!!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

This week's fruit...

I love the apps and books that reference a fruit in comparison to the baby... This week, Minckler #2 is roughly the size of a kumquat!

This weeks morning sickness has been really bad. I can't eat anything (except chocolate pudding and peaches) without feeling sick :( also, very tired and very emotional. I cry at everything. Even my dreams... I wake up balling. And then I get sick.... Ya, fun....

I know it will ease up soon and it is worth the outcome. Anyways, I am looking forward to a good week coming up....

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Rough night... Not much sleep and I was really sick. This morning also sick and kind of down.... I figured that if I got it off my chest, downed a peach and banana smootie, I could perk myself up. Here it goes!!!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Heat wave

Extream heat, morning sickness, bathroom trips every hour, soooo tired.... Yep, sums up my week. Really trying not to throw up on Noah when changing his poopy diaper. That is the trick!!! Chads on diaper duty most if the time right now. God bless him!! Now, how to teach a one year old that when he is on mommy's lap, he can't hit, kick, or flop down onto the tummy. So not an easy thing to do!  I love my little dude. He is growing so much. 29 inches tall, 22 lbs!! Took his 6 one year old shots like a champ. Only like 20 seconds of crying then just stopped. Also went to see the dentist for the very first time. He did great. She was very impressed that he has already gotten in 11 teeth including his four first molars! Well, he is down for bed, maybe I can get some sleep too... Ha ha ha ha ha ha