Thursday, August 22, 2013

It's a...

So we went for our four month baby check up today. During the ultrasound, while Noah is having a fit with daddy on the floor:(, we got to see what we are having. Noah didn't seem too impressed with the monitor... Having a baby sibling is going to be challenging for him I think. Anyways, the baby had butt up in the air, perfect camera angle for what we were going for.... And, drum roll please............. It's a BOY!!! Noah will have a little brother in February!! I am soooo out numbered....

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Broke rule #1!!

So I broke unspoken rule #1 of early pregnancy, yesterday someone asked me how was I feeling. I said much better, I think the morning sickness may be going down..... Dumb, dumb, dumb!!! This morning I woke up sicker than a dog!! Serves me right!

On a much brighter note, I have felt a couple of movements!!! One more week till I see doctor. Hopefully we can fund out if we are having a boy or a girl....