Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Half way there!!!

Well, we made it to the half way mark... Twenty weeks! Mommy and baby are doing great. He is healthy and kicking. I think he pokes my bladder on purpose.... Lol... My back is starting to hurt so I am wearing my back brace again. At least my ankle is holding up this time. Unfortunately doc gave the ok to have my root canal... Was kinda hoping he would say no... Any ways... Everyone is asking if we picked a name yet for baby. So far the only name chad and I have agreed on is Elliot Edward Minckler. What do you think?

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Time to relax

August is finally over!!! Yea!! Wow, one of the most stressful months of the year for me. Now September is here. School is starting, the air is cooling, the leaves are turning, and my son is starting to smile again!!! Between pregnancy, my family, my teeth, work, and my son starting the terrible twos (10 months early), august was a horrible month!! Now its time to slow down, get to know my new students, and spend some much needed quality time with my family.