Thursday, January 23, 2014

Soo ready

One more week to go... Doc says I am 4 cm Dialated and head is in position.  I have been ordered to take it easy and rest for the next week however. Yesterday I slipped on some stairs. I didn't fall and hurt anything or baby, but I did do the splits which has stressed my body. That with my headaches, swelling, and exhaustion is the reason for the mandatory rest. Doc doesn't want to stress the baby.

I think noah is figuring something is going on. He has been very clingy and needy of me. I always have to be in his eye sight. Not sure what's going to happen with him when I am in the hospital for 3 days. I KNOW aunt jacquie will take great care of him. I am just worried that he will run her through the ringer!!

Well wish us luck!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Maternity leave

So today marked my last day at work for awhile.  I am so going to miss my kiddos. But I will be around and available to my families.  It's not like I am shutting off my phone or computer...

Still on baby watch. I wish these contractions would turn into something.  Doc says baby is in position and ready.  My body is ready. Just a waiting game now. They did set an induction date just in case. Two more weeks. January 30th. 

I find driving to be interesting now. Belly just about touches steering wheel! Guess I better cut that back a little too huh?

Well time to get some sleep. Will keep everyone updated:)

Friday, January 3, 2014

The final countdown...

I have been having a lot of contractions and pressure recently. Doc checked me yesterday and I am already dilated more than 2cm. I didn't get that far until the day I delivered noah! Doc says it could be any day now. However, if I do last a while we set a deadline!! Yea! I will be induced the last week of january. So much for a February baby (sorry jacquie and mama T). Baby is measuring at over 7 lbs already and healthy. Baby Elliott is ready and so are daddy and I. I don't think noah has any clue what's coming.

Teachers and prep are all lined up for work. My kiddos will be well taken care of. Unless baby comes sooner, I will probably go on maternity leave after next week.

I see the light!!