So people have been asking; how did it go? What happened?
On Monday things seemed normal. Dropped noah off at school, went to chiropractor, came home to rest... After twoish I started noticing those stupid practice contractions. I usually have them for a couple of hours on and off, then they go away. About 3:00 pm I started timing them out of curiosity not concern. They were about four min apart and on the medium side nothing new for me. At about 3:30 something in my head just said, should I call just to be safe? They said to come on into the hospital just to make sure.
So I called chad thinking; now it is probably nothing and they will just send me back home. He came home right away to get me.
Called my mother in law to pick up noah from school. Said it was just a precaution because they would probably send me home, but not before 5:3000 and I didn't want to be late picking up noah.
By the time chad got home and we got me in the car, the contractions were then causing me to have issues breathing. We got to the hospital around 4:15pm. There they informed me that indeed I was in active labor. Only Dialated to 4-5 though.
They called my doc and he came in to check on me. Told me he would be back later that night.
Next came the IV attempts... five of them!!! They HURT!!! But they had to get me antibiotics and also needed iv fluids for an epidural. Finally they found a vein :) and I got my epidural :):):) no more feeling contractions!
By now it was about 6:00-6:30. As soon as I got my epidural I noticed a lot of pressure. So they decided to check me to see if I Dialated any further... you should have seen the look on her face! She asked for a second opinion... then one of them said, um, I am going to find someone to catch this baby for you... I was Dialated to 10 and I guess only my water was keeping baby in.
Doc came back in his street clothes (he had been on his way home) he was very shocked. He didn't expect to be called in for many more hours!!
While he was getting his scrubs on, chad took a funny video of me and even scanned to the clock 6:55pm. Still thought it might be a couple more hours...
After water broke, they all said wow look at that head of hair!!! 10 maybe 12 pushes later and I got to meet my sweet blessing!! 7:20 pm. Shortest labor I could have asked for... and to think, I almost didn't call the hospital when I did because I thought it was a false alarm. If I would have waited any longer, I would have had the baby in the car!