Sunday, February 2, 2014

Baby Elliott

Born Monday 1/27/2014 at 7:20 pm he weighed 8 lbs 7 oz and I couldn't ask for more perfect!!!

Things at the hospital went extremely well. I felt good and Elliott was healthy. Noah came in to meet brother on tuesday. Oh so cute!! We left to come home on wednesday.

He is a very sleepy boy!

At our Friday check up however, my concerns and fears after noah was born all came rushing back to me... Elliott had lost a lot of weight (13%) now he weighed 7 lbs 6 oz!!

Round the clock feedings, waking him up, supplements,  tube feedings... soo exhausting and emotionally draining! Next, latch issues... of course... :(

Oh, did I also mention that noah is sick...

By saturday, elliott gained 1 oz and we decided to introduce bottle feeding when necessary... we go in on Tuesday for our next weight check.

So we are just trying to find our schedule nitch so that we all sleep at some point.  Chad goes back to work tomorrow...

All will be well. Just takes time. But, we have two precious angels now. This mama could be more blessed!

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